Sunday, December 13, 2009

IF anyone would like...

I'm asking for prayers for our attorneys... mainly the one in Kansas City. So if anyone would like, or feels led... please pray for JP and CH. God knows who they are... and what it's all about.

Night all... :)


  1. I was telling someone about Beth Moore's Esther study the other day. One of the most frequent commands in the Word is "fear not". From the workbook Pg 198 "Every time you're in a tight fist of fear, remember you're in something much tighter. Isaiah 49:16 says, "See, I have you engraved (inscribed) on the palm of my hands." Some good good advice. Huh? Will keep you and your attorneys in prayer. B/c as also part of that study and what I said elsewhere said "Battles are won by teams...some are won by the Body (of Christ)"! Prayer. You betcha. Jenn (Ph 1:12-20, esp. v. 19)

  2. Sara, I remind the Lord about you and yours everyday. I'll add the lawyers and anybody else He's going to use to resolve your problems.
