At present there is a little black and white Alpine doeling sleeping on my feet. She's had a very long and hard day. After all eating, sleeping, pooping and peeing all over the place, playing and napping is hard work for a growing girl. By the way, she will not take a bottle BUT will drink her milk if it's mixed with tea, raw sugar and is warm out of a bowl. She's not spoiled in the least! HONEST! She also likes carrots, Bugles, and tiny pieces of green olives. :)
In other goat happenings, we have several bagging up (GLUP). Vashtie seems to be doing some better, and is at least eating hay and drinking molasses water, we are treating her for myo toxins... And here I thought the goat learning curve was about over with. After losing Valencia to pregnancy toxemia, I'm a little on edge with all the other goaty girls. It's been a week that's for sure.
Today we went and looked at hay. I will leave it at this... we won't be getting it. Back to the hay search again... groan...
Time to hit the sack...
Sorry to hear about Valencia. I love the terms, goaty girls, Lavy, doeling...enjoyed your somewhere over the rainbow and your favorite things. Love coming here and oh the photos of precious faces ... up close, out in the field, furry cats dogs moos .... just wonderful! Hope you find some hay. We've had some rain down here, maybe north Tx, closer to you has some? THey had more rain than we did - hope it didn't kill it off - guess we have to wait til spring - forgot about that. Say hi to your mom. Love y'all. Jenn <><