Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just when you think...

you'll need to start building an Ark like Noah... the sun shines, birds are twittering and chatting up a storm (I HOPE NOT LITERALLY!), and I can see blue sky outside of the window. I feel the need for sunglasses! It's been so long since we've seen the sun and the gorgeous spring blue of the sky. If it wasn't so cold out (48 says the MSN toolbar) I would go out in shorts and t-shirt to enjoy it while it lasts! At this to will pass I'm sure...

Things went well yesterday other than raining for the better part of the waking hours. It's not much fun going to a low setting city with rain POURING down. On the up side no one was out so I got some really good parking places CLOSE to the door. :) Except at Sam's... Yes I'll let it go that someone in a little red car ZOOMED up and took my spot... that's OK I like walking in the rain without an umbrella. Praise them, bless 'em, and let 'em go! :)

Well it's off to start chores... again...

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