It was just one of those days. A good day (sorta). It went something like this.
Woke up early... ugh... browsed a bit, got dressed, couldn't find my shoes. Go out... to the barn... all the goats are going NUTS!!! Sparky is nuts, calves are nuts, Kodie is thinking about being nuts. Me... well I have a fit of carnality in the truck getting a cow up who had been MIA for day. After that I do go just a tiny bit nuts, in chasing two horrible buckling who have come of age. That should be a chapter in a book... What they DON'T tell you about buck...
Had breakfast... UL came and we started working on freeing the logging chain from underneath of the bush hog. Don't ask... It finally came, all be it in two pieces! Praise the Lord.
Mom started bushing hogging, I tried to finish mowing, only to run out of gas. Finally did finish mowing the yard, and caught the two horrible bucks and took them to their new home. :) NO I didn't kill them... yes I thought about. NOOOOO not really. Well... if you only knew!
Evening chores... seemed to drag on and ON and ON. One cow calving (heifer BTW), one Crimson going slower than molasses in January and wanting to find her baby (who is in the barn safe and sound and has been for a few days now).
Finally in and ready for bed. Good night all...
Congrats on the heifer