Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 22...

Today I am thankful for memories... They can take us back in time to warmer and sunnier days. To our childhood when all we had to worry about was cartoons, playing with friends, the beginning of school and the joys of the last day of school, birthday cakes, fireworks on the 4th of July.

Memories can also take us back to times when we were hurt (feeling and physically), hard times and make us realize that when we really think we are having it rough there is something that could be worse.

I'm not feeling down, just thinking and trying not to think. Ya know?

In summing up things, I'm thankful that I can be thankful!

Praise the Lord!!


  1. Yes, our memories can be sweet or sour and hopefully we learn from both. We repeat the sweet and learn to avoid the sour. Lovely post today. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. I keep messing up on my comments today. I lost the first one I made. I had said how hard it is to understand 'sacrifice of praise' Hebrews 13:15 and that I think that's what you are doing. Beth Moore (in either her book Believing God or Get Out of the Pit) talked about how her daughter would stand on her foot and hold onto her leg while Beth moved through the house. She said that's how we need to hold onto God, tight, just like that. I think she was speaking of Psalm 46 - God is my refuge, but I don't remember. Anyway, hang on to God. Sweet post. :) Jenn
