Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top Ten...

Found THIS, while looking for resolutions. :)

OK so the top ten in a quick review are:

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends

I spend all my time with family... so check.

2. Fit in Fitness

Does chasing bovine down the road count????

3. Tame the Bulge

yeah yeah yeah... 

4. Quit Smoking

NOOOOOOO I can't do that... I'm just starting to get good at it!!! Tee Hee... on the serious side... the only thing I smoke is a brisket, ribs, and a pork roast. Cigarettes have never touched my lips... my lungs are as good as it gets. I hope...

5. Enjoy Life More

Sigh... I try. It just doesn't work out like I hope...

6. Quit Drinking

Hey I've never drank anything besides, water, juice, tea, and pop. Granted I do need to try and cut out the pop.

7. Get Out of Debt

LOL ... I dairy... out of debt???? I DREAM of that. Right now I'm looking at going IN more debt for cows... how crazy is this!?

8. Learn Something New

I do that almost everyday.

9. Help Others

I do this...

10. Get Organized

I have my own system. :) 

SO, there for, since I'm already doing (almost anyway) the Top Ten resolutions as it is, I now am firmly convinced I don't need to make any new ones! :) Life is GOOOOOOOOD.  (I'm going to try and be positive, even more so than normal... is that a resolution? Is this living in my own little world? I'm OK with that. :) )

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