Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Venting take no never mind...

ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoard's... in a nutshell those people make me so ARGH!!!!! Try as I might to stay away I'm always drawn back... maybe I like to get mad, vent my frustrations at something other than Osage Capital, this attorney and that attorney...

I'm not a fan of the CWT program, Hoard's ... well lets just say they seem to think it fine and dandy to send healthy cattle to slaughter is a STUPID (I would have written something of stronger wording but I'm trying to be good). In their Aug. 14th post it ended with and more need to go.

EXCUSE ME, HELLLLLLLLLLLO have these wonderfully intelligent people ever given thought to this... that maybe just MAYBE if we weren't importing more milk and milk products than we are producing that prices would be fine and dandy for us! BUT NOOOOO the powers that be seem to think it best to make that American farmer support the New Zealand farmer, Australian farmer, India farmer with a couple of cows from a starving country... Bless my buttons yes it seems so.

The mindset that killing cows is going to save the farmer is just foolish. It's getting the big co-ops out of it, it's fair pricing, it's processors not making a killing (literally) on our behalf. Some one, some where, at some time needs to stand up and say no more. NO MORE taking what a processor deems to pay (this just happened with our co-op and the processor not honoring their contract. We weren't going to make blend price, no we have joined the Agency... *rolling eyes* a bunch of co-ops and yes DFA is one of them. The good thing I'm told is that now DFA can't out right stab us in the back... they'll just have to get sneaky about it). And NO MORE on the farmer paying to have the milk trucked to the plant. Even our milk hauler agrees with this one...

So who is going to stand up and finally and without care of the fall out... going to say NO MORE? Anyone? Besides me...

On a happy note... the cows like the new feed. Yes we've switched again... only because I was told they wouldn't beable to bring feed do to the high cost of it to them. sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh...


  1. Well said!!!!! I absolutely agree. We were thrilled, thrilled I tell you, when our subscription to Hoards finally ran out. It is obscene to kill all these healthy productive cattle...and I strongly believe that the interest on the program is just play money for somebody...
    I would add here in the east, when are farmers going to stand up and scream when they get two cents a pound or a no sale for healthy large Holstein bull calves? These calves are going somewhere and somebody is making money on them. As long as people moan among themselves and don't stand up to the big coop that owns evert auction barn in the state that is what they will get.

  2. Thank you and AMEN about the auction barns! I personaly would love to see them shut down. Don't ask me HOW it could be done, but oh how I would LOVE to see it happen. They leach money off of the farmers coming, going, buying, selling, reselling. ARGH!!!!

    Wouldn't it just be a pity if there were no more of them and farmers could have a network of contacts to sell their animals through?
