Saturday, December 5, 2009

The pain of it all...

:-| that's just how I feel... OK, so here I have had a headache almost all bloomin' day long, about scalded myself in the shower, and to top off the night... I dropped the leaf that we took out of the table on my big toe. Don't ask how, all I know is that my toe is aching and so is my head... and that it all started with wanting to find a pair socks... :-| Just a simple pair of socks.

That's all for tonight all... I'm tired and cranky... can ya tell :) (note that was a forced smile) :)

It's time to hit the hay and wake up to a hopefully sun shiny day without the freezing drizzle that is in the weather forecast.  EWWW

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sara, what unreasonable misery. I truly hope things get better soon. It is a pretty ugly time to be a farmer.
